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  1. Vacuum Blender - Life is better when it sucks

    Vacuum Blender - Life is better when it sucks

    Vacuum Blenders - Sucking the life back into your blended foods

    Vacuum Blenders are relatively new and Vitality 4 Life have been researching this new technology for quite some time. We've rejected many models and worked with designers and suppliers to get the mix right.

    To explain a little more, it 'sucks' when you spend time creating the perfect smoothie... thick, colourful, tasty and full of nutrients and by the time kids are called they are faced with an unappetising, watery drink, with brown froth on top? Solve the problem with our vacuum blenders such as the BioChef Astro Vacuum Blender, BioChef Aurora Vacuum Blender and Soup Maker or the BoChef Apollo Vacuum Blender.

    Oxygen IS life however oxidation of your blended foods does tend to take, not only the fun, but the life, nutrients, flavour and taste out. Vacuum Blenders suck the life back in to your blended foods and keep it there until YOU are ready to use it.

    What is Vacuum Technology?

    vaccuum blender-food-wrapped-astra

    Vacuum technology in the blending industry is still fairly new. For supermarkets and other food retailers it has been an essential part of food storage since the 1940’s. Vacuum sealed packaging and canning processes helped keep our food fresher for longer and now you can use that technology to prolong the shelf life of your soups, sauces, smoothies, nut butters and other b

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  2. Frequently asked questions about Wheatgrass Juice

    Frequently asked questions about Wheatgrass Juice

    Frequently Asked Questions about Wheatgrass

    Wheatgrass juice has been around for a very long time and over the past 30 years there has been increased popularity due to the development of juicers who can extract the juice easily.

    Isn't wheat acidifying for the body?

    Fully grown, harvested, processed, milled and stored wheat is, yes. However, just like with most grains, when sprouted the wheatgrass is very alkaliine.

    Does Wheatgrass contain Gluten?

    No, wheatgrass does not contain gluten. In fact, wheatgrass is a suitable food type for those with a gluten intolerance. Although wheat grain contains gluten, wheatgrass is not a grain, it is a green vegetable and as such contains no gluten.

    How much Wheatgrass juice can you drink per day?

    It is recommended by Dr Ann Wigmore that you start drinking about 30ml of wheatgrass juice per day. After a few weeks you can increase the level of wheatgrass juice to 60ml. Over the next few months you can build up to 120ml of wheatgrass juice a day.

    biochef gemini twin gear juicer, best wheatgrass juicer

    How do I avoid mould when growing Wheatgrass?

    Mould is the most common problem when growing wheatgrass (in fact it is often the only problem). It can be identified as white blobs forming (normally around the base of the wheatgrass stalks) when it is alive and black spots when it is dead. The following are all suggestions for preventing mould formation on your home grown wheatgrass.

    • Do not soak your wheatgrass seeds for longer than 8 hours.
    • After soaking, plant the seeds as soon as you have drained them.
    • Try and keep your growing micro-climate from becoming too hot or too
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  3. Get your health into gear with BioChef Gemini

    Get your health into gear with BioChef Gemini

    Why you need the BioChef Gemini Twin Gear for optimum health.

    The BioChef Gemini twin gear juicer technology delivers a significantly higher ratio of living enzymes and nutrients than other cold press juicers on the market. It is specially for those health enthusiasts who want the highest quality juice with the most living enzymes.


    A little look at the history of the Twin Gear Juicers...

    The Hippocrates GPT-1305 by Green Power was the original innovative design by Mr. Jang G. Kim; inventor of the Green Power juicers and the twin gear extraction process.

    Over 20 years ago Vitality 4 Life founder Roger Akins, began importing the first twin gear Green Power juicers into Australia and together with Brian Clement from the Hippocrates Health Institute in Florida, they worked with Mr. Kim to develop the new improved Hippocrates juicer. Now, we have the BioChef Gemini the newest and best twin gear juicer on the market.

    The power of the Gemini Twin Gear is the gear's themselves.

    A twin gear juicer is a triturating juicer that has two gears that mesh firmly together at a steady pace. They contain magnetic and bio-ceramic technologies which work together to generate an overflow of positive ions, increasing the life and vitality of the juice.

    The new superior twin gears of the latest model Gemini mesh together more finely than ever before, so more of the cellulose wall is opened during the extraction process, leaving an abundance of vital enzymes and nutrients suspended in colloidal form, making them more accessible to the body.


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  4. The Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice

    The Benefits of Wheatgrass Juice

    Wheatgrass is one of the most powerful Superfoods in the world and is so potently abundant with rich nutrients, vitamins and enzymes. Just 30ml of freshly squeezed organic wheatgrass juice (1 shot) is equivalent in to nutritional value of around 1kg of leafy green vegetables and that is only some of the benefits of wheatgrass.

    biochef gemini twin gear juicer, best wheatgrass juicer

    The benefits of wheat grass include providing the body with 98 of 102 elements such as calcium, magnesium, potassium, iron, zinc, phosphorus but also many amino acids, vitamins and minerals. More than that, wheatgrass is 70% chlorophyll, which provides more energy than any other element. Produce which contains chlorophyll builds red blood cells, aids bloodstream function and improves blood sugar problems. It delivers high levels of oxygen to the brain and makes body tissue function at optimal levels. Nutrient-fuelled chlorophyll is absorbed by the body tissue, refining, rebuilding and rejuvenating them.

    More of the benefits of wheatgrass:

    • Increases red blood cell count and lowers blood pressure
    • Cleanses the blood, organs and digestive system
    • Increases metabolism
    • Stimulates the thyroid gland which can combat obesity, indigestion and other associated diseases
    • Stimulates enzyme activity
    • Helps to alkaline the blood, reducing over-acidity in the blood
    • Acts as a powerful detoxifier
    • Protects the liver and blood
    • The enzymes and amino acids found in wheatgrass can protect us from carcinogens

    When wheatgrass is juiced, using wheatgrass juicers like the BioChef

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  5. Food Dehydrator for healthy dog snacks

    BioChef food dehydrators, a unique gift for pet lovers

    No one else will think of this one, a truly unique gift for pet lovers... make your own healthy dog treats.

    We all know someone who loves their dog more than people. If you want to find a unique  gift for pet lovers that no one else will think of start here with our food dehydrators. Sound boring? It definitely won't be for them when they are making their own healthy dog treats. Or how about buying one for yourself and giving the treats as a gift! Either way they will love it.

    Pet lovers love to know exactly what their doggy treats are made of. With unhealthy treats everywhere at the moment and overseas companies taking over some of our own Australian brands what is in the doggy bag may not be such a, unique gift, pet lovers, pet owners

    Healthy Bite

    There are many news items at the moment suggesting that here are some dangerous dog treats on the market that should be avoided at all costs. Some that can result in serious injury and even death. Beef jerky in particular. If you choose a unique gift for pet lovers from our a food dehydrator range they can make delicious and healthy beef jerky and other treats for their furry best friend at home in their own kitchen.

    See more of our delicious food dehydrator recipes for people and pups.


    Not just for pets

    Food Dehydrators are perfect for making

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  6. Are we in diabetes denial?

    Are we in diabetes denial?

    According to Diabetes Australia many of us are unaware that we have diabetes or are heading in that direction.

    A recent study at Austin Health, a major tertiary health service in Melbourne’s north-east, found that 34% of patients in our hospitals had diabetes. Surprisingly, 5% of these people had silent, undiagnosed type 2 diabetes that was only detected after they were admitted to hospital. An estimated 500,000 of us are living with silent, undiagnosed diabetes at great risk to our health.

    Diabetes Australia's research has shown a worrying level of community antipathy toward type 2 diabetes even though 2 million of us are at high risk. Apparently diabetes 2 rates low in our consideration of our own health despite it being the leading cause of blindness, limb amputation, heart attack and kidney failure. Even though this disease can have a major impact on a person's whole life we think money, meaningful relationships, freedom to travel etc, are more important than managing our health to avoid it.

    In type 2 diabetes, your pancreas is still working but not as effectively as it needs to. This means your body is building insulin resistance and is unable to effectively convert glucose into energy leaving too much glucose in the blood. Type 2 diabetes can sometimes initially be managed through changes to lifestyle including a healthy diet and regular exercise.

    diabetes, australia, byron bay

    One of most important ways to manage or avoid

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  7. Dr Norman Walker - Living longer, better..

    Dr Norman Walker - Living longer, better..

    Dr Norman Walker books - helping you live longer, better

    Dr Norman W. Walker (1886-1985) is recognized throughout the world as one of the most authoritative students of life, health and nutrition. For almost 75 years, Dr. Walker has researched man's ability to live a longer, healthier life. He is his own example of achieving vibrant health through proper thought, diet and body care.

    "I can truthfully say that I am never conscious of my age. Since I reached maturity I have never been aware of being any older, and I can say, without equivocation or mental reservation, that I feel more alive, alert and full of enthusiasm today than I did when I was 30 years old. I still feel that my best years are ahead of me. I never think of birthdays, nor do I celebrate them. Today I can truthfully say that I am enjoying vibrant health, I don't mind telling people how old I am: I AM AGELESS!"
    Norman W. Walker, D.SC., Ph.D.

    Dr Norman Walker, become younger, healthy living, biochef, byron bay

    Vibrant Health

    On vegetable juicing and the importance of a quality juice extractor, Dr Norman Walker; a pioneer in the reduction of raw vegetables into their liquid form, demonstrated through his own research:

    "The fibres from fruits and vegetables must be properly triturated… otherwise the vitamins, enzymes and the entire volume of vital elements of the vegetables are not likely to be found in the juice. Like all the most valuable things in life, the vital part of vegetables – that which contains the greatest concentrated value – is the most difficult to reach, being hidden within the fibres."

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  8. CASHEW!! Bless you.

    CASHEW!! Bless you.

    Why are we going nuts for Cashew milk?

    For those who choose a dairy free diet almond milk has been the king of the nut milk world. However it seems that soon almond milk maybe knocked off its lofty throne and be replaced by a new king.. cashew milk. Why?

    cashew, cashew milk, nut milk, cashew butter, byron bay, biochef, blender, juicer

    Apart from the incredible health benefits attributed to the cashew nut the cashew milk just tastes better. It has a less nutty flavour than almond milk and won’t overpower the other flavours in your smoothies. Best of all you don’t have to strain them thereby retaining the important fibre, you just soak overnight, add water and blend in your BioChef Nova. Voila!

    Here are just five of the reasons that cashew milk is good for all of you.

    Good for the heart

    A study, published in the New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), also establishes a significant association between the consumption of nuts and a lower incidence of death due to

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  9. VegeBox - not just for greens

    VegeBox - not just for greens

    VegeBox - Indoor Hydroponic Gardens
    Fresh food at your finger tips...

    Spice up your life with red hot chilli peppers

    Your VegeBox indoor vegetable garden is not only for growing greens. Add a splash of colour and spice and grow your own red hot chilli or a tangle of juicy cherry tomatoes.

    vegebox, grow your own chillis, byron bay, indoor hydroponic garden

    There are so many reasons to spice up your foods. A study by Harvard and China National Centre for Disease Control and Prevention (2015) found that eating spicy food for seven days a week — even just once a day — lowered mortality rates by 14 percent! (Note: if you skip the cooling alcoholic beverage you could live even longer)

    The other exciting thing about spicy food is that once your brain has registered the ‘pain’ it immediately starts producing endorphins, those natural little happy makers that give you a rush. That’s maybe why it’s quite addictive, but not in a bad way!

    If the pain gets too much just remember that the chemical in spicy food ‘capsaicin’ is also a fat-soluble molecule so can help you on your journey to lose weight if you need to. The little chilli sure packs a spicy punch.

    Beware though that if you are going to add more spicy foods to your diet remember that processed foods, as with most takeaway, usually has large amounts of added sodium. So growing your own chilli at home in your VegeBox

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  10. Horizontal juicers - not just for juice

    Horizontal juicers - not just for juice

    Horizontal juicers are so much more than juicers

    Did you know that horizontal juicers are not just for juicing? Juicers such as the BioChef Axis double as raw food processors. Not only can you make your favourite juices you can also enjoy, nut butters, sorbets, dips, pasta, bread sticks and more.

    You can use horizontal BioChef juicers for most kitchen food processing tasks making them more versatile than a vertical juicer. If you have just had a baby the horizontal juicer will be your best friend in the kitchen quietly making fresh, nutritious baby foods to both eat now and store for later.

    cold press juice, not just for juice, horizontal juicers, biochef, byron bay

    Living Food Processors

    Most cold press horizontal juicers such as the Oscar Neo 1000 and the Oscar Neo 12000 come with a variety of different attachments turning your juicer into a food processor. The mincing screen is used to puree, emulsify and crush the ingredients turning them into a paste or sauce. For example, basil, garlic, lemon, pine nuts, olive oil and Parmesan can be alternatively fed into the machine where it is crushed and extruded as a fresh living basil pesto. When made with the juicer you won't believe the taste of this pesto! It is completely different using a cold press juicer / living food

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  11. Recipes for bliss - hemp seed bliss balls

    Recipes for bliss - hemp seed bliss balls

    Bliss in a Hemp Seed Ball


    When we think of hemp we think of getting high but is hemp the same as marijuana? In a nutshell, no, they are simply both part of the cannabis family. Using delicious hemp seeds in these delicious hemp seed bliss ball recipes you will get high on the delicious taste and natural health benefits of this special seed.

    hemp seeds, horizontal juicers, bliss balls, byron bay, recipes

    The Chinese knew that hemp seeds were healthy and used them as medicine for thousands of years particularly for mental illness related issues. Hemp seeds are rich in healthy fats and essential fatty acids and are a great source of protein, vitamin E, potassium, sodium and magnesium. A true superfood worthy of the name.


    Hemp seeds are good for your hearth as they are a great source of arginine (a basic amino acid and essential nutrient in our diet) and gamma-linolenic acid (a fatty substance found in various plant seed oils). With a ratio of 3:1 ratio of omega-6 to omega-3 hemp seeds are rich in healthy fats which may help with skin diseases providing relief from uncomfortable symptoms.


    Hemp seeds are complete source of protein as it makes up 25% of the calories and contain all the essential amino acids.


    Let's face it women don't feel very high when it is that time of the month. Hemp seeds may reduce symptoms associated with PMS and menopause, thanks to its high

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  12. 'Beet for Beat' for Heart Week

    'Beet for Beat' for Heart Week

    Beetroot Juice - good for the heart and your health

    Thanks to Heart Week we are becoming more aware of our hearts and what we can do to protect them. I am not sure if beetroot juice will protect your heart from being broken, however, this delicious, luscious red vegetable can play an important role in keeping your heart healthy.

    A natural way to lower blood pressure

    Studies have shown that "that a daily glass of beetroot juice can lower blood pressure in people with hypertension - even those whose high blood pressure was not controlled by drug treatment." Dr. Shannon Amoils, British Heart Foundation, senior research advisor

    beetroot, heart health, natural, lower cholesterol, byron bay

    Beetroot contains high levels of dietary nitrate (NO3), which the body converts into biologically active nitrite (NO2) and nitric oxide (NO). These nitrates relax and dilate blood vessels, thereby having a blood pressure lowering effect on the human body.

    Boost your activity with beetroot juice

    Keeping active is one of the Heart Foundation's key elements in keeping a healthy heart. Even walking up to 30 minutes a day can be helpful. If you can't get outside as much as you would like a walking treadmill can help you keep your steps up... add a glass of beetroot juice and studies show you can exercise longer.

    For example, studies

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