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  1. home treadmill, foldable, treadmill, running machine

    Which treadmill is best for home exercise?

    Working out at home is a great way to enjoy fitness and wellbeing benefits and work towards your goals. Whether it’s weight loss, time out, stress management, maintaining healthy joints or improving your mobility, we have you covered.

    We often get asked, ‘which treadmill is best for me?, ‘which is the best treadmill for home?’ and ‘how can I get a cheap home treadmill that is still great quality?’

    Vitality 4 Life has a complete range of high quality home treadmills or as some may call them ‘running machines’ to suit your needs, each with a 5 year warranty you can trust.

    There are 11 home treadmills in our AbodeFit Health range and the great thing is you can choose a basic walking treadmill which is suited for those who simply want a light walk and to get active, all the way up to those who enjoy running and fitness programs.

    All treadmills are easy to get going, some being foldable treadmills and portable treadmills too.

    We have listed below the key features and benefits for each treadmill so you can decide which one suits your goals and needs the best.

    Best treadmill for Weight Loss

    Weight loss is the number one goal for a lot of our customers. All of the treadmills will achieve this goal so it is dependent on a few things such as your overall fitness level and ability.

    For some, just being able to walk comfortably to get their daily exercise is enough. Our range of walking treadmills that reach speeds from 6km to 8km per hour are ideal. If you require a handrail to feel safe during your work out we would recommend our WS 570, Ws470 or WS770.

    For those that want to both walk and run we have treadmills that reach up to 12km per hour. This way your treadmill can help you all the way on your fitness journey from walking to running as you gain greater fitness levels. Our top of the range WS610, WS810 and WS830 are durable, quiet, foldable and have easy to use touch screen controls and safety keys

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  2. WalkSlim Personal Walking Treadmill - WalkStation - Walk at your desk!

    WalkSlim Personal Walking Treadmill - WalkStation - Walk at your desk!

    The Vitality4Life WalkSlim walking treadmill is a compact, foldable motorised treadmill featuring a built-in calorie counter so you can track your results, an LED touchscreen display and a remote control. 

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  3. Lose weight at home with WalkSlim Walking Treadmill

    Lose weight at home with WalkSlim Walking Treadmill

    Easy exercise at home after baby or any break from exercise..

    by Guest Blogger - Vanessa Bartlett
    Presenter, Author, Instructor
    'VanessaB Health & Pilates'

    After I had my first baby it was super tricky getting back into exercise. In fact, I couldn’t walk properly for three months, had abdominal separation and back pain.

    I wanted to walk, but even going up the driveway was hard for so long!

    Not only that, but the time I used to have for exercise was reduced by at least half or more. Realistically, getting in 10 minutes was a huge achievement of just some light bodyweight exercises.

    exercise at home, baby weigjt. lose baby weight easily at home, walking treadmill

    Then it dawned on me.

    Why was I worrying about this and stressing about getting out with the baby all the time? I love exercising at home at my own convenience, so I got a Vitality4life WalkSlim Home Treadmill.

    Now, as a personal trainer who needed to get back into exercise myself I knew I needed to get my cardio up again to shed a few kilos, get fitter and build up my body again without any heavy loads or impact.

    Running was out of the question due to a back injury and weakened pelvic floor, plus I much preferred walking anyway.

    As soon as I got this treadmill I loved it.

    walking treadmill, walkstation, walkingontreadmill

    Why? Because it was simple to set up and use to exercise at home.

    Yep, n

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  4. Walking Treadmill - Hints and Tips

    Walking Treadmill - Hints and Tips

    If you are anything like me when I hear that I have to exercise only "30 minutes a day' it makes me want to go and lie down. Half an hour can sometimes seem like an eternity especially when you are working out. So if I am going to do it I want to do it right and get the most out of my walking treadmill. I am sure you would too.

    These tips may seem obvious to some but they weren't to me so I thought I would share them with other like minded souls. Good luck...

    walking treadmill, walkstation, byronbay

    Good walking posture

    Apparently, this is really important. No looking down at your phone the whole time and you must let go of the walking treadmill handrails, sorry. If you have to be entertained whilst walking you will have to prop up your device so that you are looking straight ahead otherwise it can lead to back and neck pain. We want to breathe deep down into our bellies as we walk and run and bad posture will hinder that.

    When you hang on to the handrails the whole time it reduces the effort you are putting in and therefore the amount of calories you might be trying to lose. Your feet and legs need to be carrying your weight to gain more from your workout.

    So, before you hop on the treadmill give yourself a quick check over, roll your shoulders a few times, pull in your tummy a bit and tuck in your bum whilst tilting

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  5. Walking treadmill - small steps, big rewards

    Walking treadmill - small steps, big rewards

    One small step with your WalkSlim walking treadmill..

    ... a giant leap for your health. Even the politicians know this. Ex Prime Minister John Howard wasn't using a walking treadmill fifteen years ago but everyone of a certain age remembers his early morning walks in a funny tracksuit.  He started a national campaign urging Australians to take the time to walk at least 30 minutes a day. This year Malcolm Turnbull helped launch the 'One Million Steps' Campaign. Why is walking so important?

    walking, treadmill, healthy, heart

    Mr Howard found out that across Australia, 1,400 deaths from heart disease and diabetes could be prevented and a total or $76 million in measurable health care costs could be saved each year if just 10% of Australian adults walked more regularly. So we do need to get walking as even now one person dies every twelve minutes in Australia from heart related diseases.

    Then, as now, time is an issue so having your own small walking treadmill at home could be the answer. It's sitting right there waiting for when you have a minute to jump on and do a treadmill walking workout. It's light, it's portable, it's foldable and can fit easily under your bed, in a small room or office stored against the wall or in a cupboard.

    Can't walk to work? Walk at work. Research shows that walking boosts creativity by up to 60 percent. Walk whilst watching T.V

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