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Categories: Industry News11,September,2014
Vitality 4 Life is set to bring food for thought to its BioChef Healthy Kitchen Appliance line-up with the announcement that each BioChef Atlas Juicer and Living Food Blender will come with a Health Matters or Hungry for Change DVD.
The Californian born team is the groundbreakers in exposing the secrets of the pharmaceuticals industry and revealers of the secrets to natural health and wellbeing. Food Matters, the 2008 documentary that brought nutrition into the spotlight presents a thesis that selective diets can play a key role in treating health conditions. Food Matters has rapidly become one of the most influential institutions in the health industry, recently launching its Food Matters TV initiative.
As part of the partnership with Vitality 4 Life, Food Matters DVD’s will be distributed globally with BioChef kitchen appliances for the brands new Living Food Kitchen range.
“Vitality 4 Life are thrilled to announce its collaboration with Food Matters, a highly successful and respected brand that has its philosophy deeply aligned with those of the Vitality 4 Life values”, said Vitality 4 Life CEO, Roger Akins of the partnership.
“Food Matters is an institution that can change lives for the better and with the new range of BioChef healthy kitchen appliances, we will instill the ‘get healthy’ message in homes across the world. The BioChef Living Food Kitchen range is beautiful in design, innovative in technology and will make health easy for consumers around the world”.
Food Matters will begin appearing in the BioChef Living Food Kitchen range and can be found in-stores from August 2014. The BioChef Living Food Kitchen range comprises of a High Performance Blender, Vertical Slow Juicer and Living Food Dehydrator.
Categories: Industry News08,May,2014
This is something we've been wanting to do for a long time. We are so excited to announce that NOW...with every juicer purchased to the value of $400, you will receive a voucher for a $39 box of fruits and veggies from Aussie Farmers Direct to be delivered directly to your door!! Juice it... Juice it good!!!
For more information about Aussie Farmers Direct please visit their website
The special DETOX box includes:
- Carrots
- Beetroot
- Celery
- Cucumber
- Spinach
- Oranges
- Apples
- Lemons/Limes
- Pineapple
- Ginger, Mint
A message from Mullum Sari facilitator, Yvonne...
A couple of days ago, I received a message from a guest once she had returned home. It read, "Thanks for everything Yvonne. You helped me regain a grip on the steering wheel of my life". This made me think about how we affect lives by what we do. At Mullum Sari, we aim to accommodate those who seek detox and rejuvenation by offering residential and non-residential retreats. That is what it says on our website. For me, we offer so much more than this.
Reading through our testimonial book today has given me an insight into exactly why we are different. " Beautiful and unique", "Motivating and inspiring", "treatments were not what I expected, they were beyond that" - comments like this make me feel very proud. Proud at what we offer. In awe of how much difference we can, and do make to people's lives.
"This space gave me time and love to heal" and "I will never forget your calm, gentle and happy personalities" - how many places can attest to compliments such as these? Other comments mention "taking control of my life" and the continuing thread through all of these wonderful comments is our guests heading home with lessons learnt to implement in daily life and feeling that they have not only changed their lives but they have changed their lives for the better.
The world 'retreat' can conjure visions of pampering and relaxation. Mullum Sari offers something very different. It isn’t just during the stay that our guests receive the benefits of their visit. For us, it is as much about the re-education of our guests as it is about their treatments and experiences whilst they are with us. I feel quite privileged to be part of this.
There really isn't a another retreat in the southern hemisphere that offers the same level of treatment under one roof. We truly are focused on enabling people to physically change their lifestyles rather than just getting a few massages and feeling
Categories: Industry News23,July,2013
Vitality 4 Life announced it has partnered with Shine Australia in cycle eight of Australia’s Next Top Model.
Hosted by former Miss Universe Jennifer Hawkins, Australia’s Next Top Model presents young women competing for the title and promise of becoming a top model. This season the show will present the benefits of nutrition and balanced diet, inviting an Australian celebrated personal trainer to demonstrate in the show.
The episode will headline the BioChef High Performance Blender featured in-program by personal trainer, James Duigan. Duigan will educate the contestants about nutrition and food consumption, and a range of healthy raw food recipes will be featured in the Vitality 4 Life blender.
Vitality 4 Life Brand Manager, Anna Begg, said, “Australia’s Next Top Model is an ideal opportunity for Vitality 4 Life to showcase one of its flagship appliances and brands. It will provide audiences more demonstration than they may get in-store or online. We are thrilled to be partnered with the program. BioChef has been developed in-house and showcases a range of affordable healthy kitchen appliances. Australia's Next Top Model is the perfect fit for BioChef, targeting a younger demographic and helping instill a life of healthy living".
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One of Australia’s leading prime time television programs has paired up with Vitality 4 Life to bring audiences a glimpse of the Vitality 4 Life Excalibur Dehydrator range. The product was recently utlised on MasterChef Australia by contestants in the weekly master class facilitated by program host and chef, George Colambaris.
Vitality 4 Life Chief Executive Officer, Roger Akins said “Vitality 4 Life is extremely delighted with the production partnership. We are finally charming the Australian public with the benefits of preserving foods. The age of health is now, and Australian’s want to be educated and inspired by methods and products such as these, so they too can lead and live a healthy life”.
The masterclass episode will demonstrate the process of dehydration, drawing attention to the full flavours and nutrients retained in dried foods. George Colabaris said "You can dry anything in that machine, it's brilliant.
Excalibur food dehydrators are regarded as one of the finest brands in the dehydrating industry, and have been in existence since 1973. Dehydration is quickly becoming a popular method in domestic and commercial kitchens and is a great way of retaining nutrients and making food last longer.
Categories: Industry News06,June,2013
The Vitality 4 Life team are at the MindBodySpirt festival again, this time in Melbourne! Held over the June Long Weekend, this Mind Body Spirit Melbourne is set to be the biggest and best yet!
Vitality 4 Life will feature the Oscar Neo DA 1000 at Mind Body Spirit Melbourne with live demonstrations all through out the day, showing off the Neo's vast range of uses and versatility. Come down and taste some fresh Cold Pressed Juice or sample our famous Beetroot Hummus or even some Bliss Balls. MBS is the perfect opportunity to come and see the Oscar Neo in action as well as being able to speak to our very knowledgeable team who can answer any questions or queries you may have!
Also come and see the Oscar Neo being used in a variety of Raw Food Demonstrations at the Soul Kitchen Cooking Stage.
Veggie Girl aka Tegan Steele is passionate about Juicing and loves the Oscar Neo and she will be using the Neo twice at day on stage. Tegan is a Personal Trainer, Nutrition Specialist and Beauty Therapist who has a passion to share health and nutrition knowledge with the world. She is currently in the process of writing a Whole Food, Gluten Free, Vegan Recipe Book. Tegan has a fantastic Blog with lots of fantastic Health Recipes, tips and articles.
For show times at the Soul Kitchen Stage at Mind Body Spirit Melbourne, click here.
Also on show at MBS, we have the Bio Chef Food Dehydrator, with a range of delicious treats and snacks to sample. We also have Wheatgrass Growing Kits, with everything you need to get growing and juicing your very own wheatgrass!
Come see Vitality 4 Life at the Mind Body Spirit Melbourne:
The Vitality 4 Life team have made their way down to the Mind Body Spirit Festival in Sydney this week, where you can find them demonstrating a range of products and providing healthy lifestyle advise. The Mind Body Spirit Festival encompasses a range of holistic health and natural healing therapies for those considering an improved and more rewarding lifestyle.
In its 36th year, the Mind Body Spirit Festival is still Australia’s largest natural health festival and Vitality 4 Life is proud to announce that this year the Oscar Neo DA 1000 will be featured at the Soul Kitchen Cooking Stage. Highlighting the juicer's multi-purpose functions, watch as professionals demonstrate the Oscar Neo making pasta, bread, dips, frozen desserts and more!
The team have plenty of Cold Press Living Juice samples, delicious dehydrated snacks and treats along with Bliss Balls, fresh hommus, pestos and much, much more!
"MBS is such a great opportunity for our customers to see first hand the Vitality 4 Life Approved Product Range in action! We invite everyone to come down and learn about Raw Living Food, Cold Press Juice and try and test the products!" - Rachael Love, Vitality 4 Life
The festival runs from the 16th-19th May at Sydney Convention Centre. Tickets can be purchased from the Mind Body Spirit Festival
Categories: Industry News29,April,2013
The installation of an commercial composter at the Port of Brisbane has seen the beginning of Vitality 4 Life helping companies around Australia improve efficiency and do their part in the Climate Change commitment. The company aims to reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill each year and provide valuable soil for gardening on the premises.
Vitality 4 Life CEO Roger Akins spoke about the implementation and partnership saying “it seemed like a natural approach to helping the Port of Brisbane achieve corporate sustainable objectives”. Port of Brisbane is the first shipping Port in Australia to implement a commercial composter and besides the obvious uses; it is also used to educate school groups attracted to the visitor centre to learn about composting in creating sustainable living.
Similar stories have been acknowledged in businesses around the globe, approaching sustainable living through positive action. Gaz Métro in Canada, hotels, and even agricultural schools in Sweden have all played their part in the Climate Change commitment.
After graduating from University I didn’t enjoy working in an office that much. Nearly two years later, I left the Netherlands to become a diving instructor. I’ve been working on Gran Canaria, Spain, Dominican Republic, Mexico, Maldives and New Zealand. Through all these countries I’ve mainly been working in five star resorts teaching scuba diving in English, German, Spanish and Dutch. All this together makes me a perfect combination now to get e-marketing done for Europe!
I’ve been interested in fruit juicing and healthy food since I was about 10 years of age. When I read Vitality 4 Life´s job advertisement, I googled the site and got really excited. I love these products! It appears that we in Holland are not up to date at all with cold press juicing. If you translate the word juicer to Dutch it comes up with ‘juice-centrifuge’. I was really into juicing, read health magazines and had a ‘juice-centrifuge’ myself when living in Holland but I never heard about cold press juicing back there. So getting this message across in Holland is a big challenge, and in Spain too. I can get so excited about the fact that more people start buying these products because it means that they are going to improve their lives. I definitely believe in the power of raw food and living juice. I've been so excited since I started doing this and Vitality 4 Life are really happy with me. I was going to leave Australia to teach diving again in the Philippines, but I just don’t want to leave, so now Vitality 4 Life is providing the opportunity for me to stay.
Vitality 4 Life has changed my opinion that working in an office is boring. I'm so grateful I found this job with so many challenges, in a nice company with lovely people and in an international market. I’m happy to be valued in this company and able to use my skills. Byron Bay is beautiful, the climate is perfect, and I can still go for a dive on the weekends!
It’s entirely possible that people are beginning to question the consequences of drinking water from plastic bottles, considering that 40 percent of bottled water is actually bottled tap water. Many places around Australia are already riding the filtration wave and now Mullum Sari in Mullumbimby NSW, are proud to be a part of it too.
An initiative set up to provide people of Mullumbimby with free filtered water access to Mel’s Well has become a local phenomenon. Locals simply bring their water bottles, fill them and thank the team at Mullum Sari.
The freshly filtered water is powered by an Aquasana Rhino Whole House Filter. A system which filters out chlorine, bad taste, and odours from municipally treated tap water as it enters your home, this patented multi-stage filtration process directs water through four stages of filtration for optimum quality and taste.
Mullum Sari Manager Vicki Standley says “many of our users come from township of Mullumbimby, but we now have people travel from the hinterland regions where water is sometimes more scarce or unpleasant in taste. The community is so grateful and it’s a real service to the community. Where else would you see something like this but Mullumbimby”.
This all would not have been made possible without the generosity of Vitality 4 Life CEO, Roger Akins. Mel’s Well was created in memory of his dear friend. The thanks and gratitude from Mullumbimbians is constant as people relish this community gift of