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  1. Cold Press Juicers for gut health

    Cold Press Juicers for gut health

    Cold press juicers will assist in improving gut health which is affects around 50% of Australians. These symptoms include unpleasant gut symptoms such as bloating, gas and constipation, and 1 in 7 experience distressing symptoms.

    A big part of wellbeing and health is the ability for your gut to remain in balance with good bacteria to ward off health issues and maintain a healthy brain-gut connection. BioChef Juicers and Oscar Juicers can help with this.

    But how do you stay super healthy on the inside without needing to consume more food or take supplements?

    Juicing is a simple, tasty and convenient way to keep your gut health in check. Vitality 4 Life has a high-quality premium range of juicers, fit for every individual need and budget.

    In this article we will cover the benefits of juicing for your overall well being and gut health, the different styles of juicing and how you can best select the right BioChef juicers or Oscar Juicers for your needs.

    Why is gut health important?

    Your gut is linked to your brain, communicating through nerves and hormones. If you have mostly good bacteria in your gut and maintain a healthy balance of these bacterias, your wellbeing will be greater.

    It’s visible too. Your skin will have more of a glow, your immune system will function more efficiently, you will have greater energy and vitality and just feel all round healthier, inside and out.

    If you have an imbalance of bacteria in your gut, you may experience a range of health issues like: crohn’s disease, irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, fatigue, food cravings especially sugar, unintentional weight changes, allergies, mood swings and skin irritations.

    In order to maintain a healthy gut, it generally comes down to having enough probiotic food in your diet, healthy enzymes and good fats as a start. Decreasing stress, alc

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  2. BioChef Gemini Twin Gear Cold Press Juicer - Prepare well!!

    BioChef Gemini Twin Gear Cold Press Juicer - Prepare well!!

    The Gemini’s Twin Gear is the ultimate cold press juicer using twin gears that mesh together more finely than ever before. This video shows you how to best prepare your produce for juicing ease. 

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  3. BioChef Axis Cold Press Juicer

    BioChef Axis Cold Press Juicer

    The BioChef® Axis Cold Press Juicer is compact and very versatile, it is what we call the complete "living food kitchen machine" and it will quickly become an integral part of your daily health and wellness regime.

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  4. Oscar Neo Cold Press Juicers - Vitality 4 Life

    Oscar Neo Cold Press Juicers - Vitality 4 Life

    The Oscar Neo DA 1000 and DA 1200 are Australia's best-selling single gear horizontal cold press juicers, from the original slow juicer brand, Oscar. 

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  5. Which Juicer is Best for You?

    Which Juicer is Best for You?

    Unsure which juicer is right for you? Vitality 4 Life, the original cold press juicer company, can help you to select the perfect juicer for your needs and lifestyle. Avoid the overwhelm and confusion, and let us make the choice simple and easy.


    Which juicer should I buy? This is by far our most asked question at Vitality 4 Life, and for good reason! With such an array of cold press juicers available in the market, it can be hard to know which type or brand is best for you. Your needs can depend upon dietary, health, usability and/or functionality requirements.

    The first thing to do when looking for a juicer is to ask yourself a few simple questions:


    1. Do you see yourself as a beginner (new to juicing), a health enthusiast (knowledgeable about the benefits of different types of fruits/vegetables) or a patient (looking to overcome an illness naturally)?
    2. Are you wanting to juice mostly fruit or mostly vegetables?
    3. What features are important to you - ease of cleaning, ease of use, juicing speed?
    4. Are you looking to juice specialised superfoods such as wheatgrass, aloe vera or pomegranate?
    5. Do you like the idea of a juicer which can also perform food processing tasks?


    Having clear buying objectives will allow you to select a machine that suits you best!


    It may surprise you to learn that there are 5 different types of cold press juicers, and each are suited to different types of customers and their needs. Firstly, it is important to determine where you are on the "road to health" and more specifically, what you are looking for in a juicer...


    Types of Cold Press Juicers
    1. Single Gear Masticating Horizontal
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  6. Food Dehydrator for healthy dog snacks

    BioChef food dehydrators, a unique gift for pet lovers

    No one else will think of this one, a truly unique gift for pet lovers... make your own healthy dog treats.

    We all know someone who loves their dog more than people. If you want to find a unique  gift for pet lovers that no one else will think of start here with our food dehydrators. Sound boring? It definitely won't be for them when they are making their own healthy dog treats. Or how about buying one for yourself and giving the treats as a gift! Either way they will love it.

    Pet lovers love to know exactly what their doggy treats are made of. With unhealthy treats everywhere at the moment and overseas companies taking over some of our own Australian brands what is in the doggy bag may not be such a, unique gift, pet lovers, pet owners

    Healthy Bite

    There are many news items at the moment suggesting that here are some dangerous dog treats on the market that should be avoided at all costs. Some that can result in serious injury and even death. Beef jerky in particular. If you choose a unique gift for pet lovers from our a food dehydrator range they can make delicious and healthy beef jerky and other treats for their furry best friend at home in their own kitchen.

    See more of our delicious food dehydrator recipes for people and pups.


    Not just for pets

    Food Dehydrators are perfect

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  7. How to make banana chips with a food dehydrator

    How to make banana chips with a food dehydrator

    Going bananas for bananas in your food dehydrator!

    Why do we go bananas for bananas? The Australian Banana page says "peel good, feel good". Bananas have bone strengthening magnesium, folate for a healthy mind and Vitamin B6 for that feel good energy. Dehydrate bananas in your BioChef Food Dehydrator for healthy snacks that last the distance.

    Banana Chips, food dehydrator, biochef, byron bay

    How to make banana chips in your food dehydrator

    Slightly brown-flecked bananas will have the sweetest, most concentrated flavour when dried.

    Peel the bananas. Slice bananas into 1/4-inch or 3/8-inch chips.

    Dip each banana slice into the lemon juice. This lessens browning of the banana chips and adds a bit of vitamin C back into the banana.

    Shake off the extra lemon juice and lay the banana slice on the dehydrator tray. Leave enough space between banana slices on the tray to allow sufficient air flow for drying.

    Fill the available dehydrator trays with banana slices. Put the trays into the dehydrator and set initial temperature to 65 degrees Celcius or 150 degrees Fahrenheit and dry at that temperature for the first two hours.

    Turn the temperature down to 55 degrees Celcius or 130 degrees Fahrenheit after two hours. From here it will take another six hours for bananas to fully dry.

    Half way through, stop the food dehydrator and flip over all the banana slices. The slices are easy to peel off the dehydrator tray when they are warm, and turning ensures dryness.

    Test for dryness. If the banana chips are leathery to crisp, they are done.

    Cool the banana chips for a few hours in the food dehydrator before removing them. Pack dried chips into plastic bags, or vacuum

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  8. Compare Food Dehydrator Australia

    Compare Food Dehydrator Australia

    Compare food dehydrators in Australia with our handy Food Dehydrator Comparison tables. Below we outline the features and benefits of each dehydrator, making it easier for you to make the right choice.

    BioChef vs Excalibur vs Sedona
    Square vs Circular Dehydrators
    Which Dehydrator is Right for Me?

    Compare BioChef, Excalibur & Sedona Dehydrators

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  9. 10 Reasons to Buy a Food Dehydrator

    10 Reasons to Buy a Food Dehydrator

    A food dehydrator is an electric appliance which uses both air and heat to remove the moisture or water content from foods. Water is what makes food spoil or go bad and without water, bacteria and mould can't grow. Bacteria, yeasts and molds need the water in the food to grow, and drying effectively prevents them from surviving in the food. Usually a fan and a heating element are used to create the dehydration environment.

    Drying food using sun and wind to prevent spoilage has been practiced since ancient times, and was the earliest form of food preservation - it helped our ancestors through droughts and famines. Fortunately, today's technology has made this process much easier and more effective, with modern day dehydrators regulating the temperature for even and consistent drying.

    Read on to discover the top 10 reasons why so many people are using dehydrators to dry their foods, today!


    Food Dehydrators

    1. Dehydrated foods taste great

    Using a food dehydrator to remove moisture from food items such as fruits, vegetables and meats, creates naturally concentrated, rich and delicious tasting food.

    Not only that, but when making food yourself, you know the quality and freshness of the produce you are using - unlike when eating dehydrated foods purchased from the grocery store.

    2. Reduce food waste and extend shelf life

    Never waste food again with a food dehydrator. Using your leftover fruits and vegetables in a food dehydrator will extend their shelf life for up to 2 years! Yes, that's right - 2 years!

    Below are just a few ways you can reduce food waste by preserving food with a dehydrator and keeping your pantry stocked year round whilst

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  10. 7 Healthier Snack Recipes to Try with a Food Dehydrator

    7 Healthier Snack Recipes to Try with a Food Dehydrator

    Make your own! Try these easy and (much) healthier snack recipes using a food dehydrator.

    Snacks can easily be one of our biggest and unknown over-indulgences, with most snacks packed with hidden refined sugar, preservatives and colouring. Making your own snacks will not only save money but you can control exactly what goes into them, meaning the end result is much more wholesome and nourishing. Take a look at our dehydrator snack recipes below:

    Click ahead to view the dehydrator snack recipes here...

    Beetroot & Sweet Potato Chips
    Kale Chips
    Dried Fruit
    Mixed Berry Fruit Rollup
    Apricot & Coconut Fruit Rollup
    Activated Muesli Bars
    Gluten & Dairy Free Bread
    Beef Jerky

    Beetroot & Sweet Potato Chips

    Dried not fried! Use your favourite vegetables to create healthy chips.

    • 1 large sweet potato (yam)
    • 3 whole beetroots
    • 1 tbsp paprika
    • 2 tbsp of oil (coconut or olive)
    • Rock salt to season

    1. Thinly slice sweet potato and beetroot, ideally into 3mm slices. The thicker the chips, the longer drying time they will require.

    2. Place slices into mixing bowl and toss with oil and paprika.

    3. Dehydrate at 55°C for 8 hours. Adjust drying time depending on thickness of vegetable slices

    4. Season with sea salt

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  11. Fruit roll ups - Recipes for Arizona and Savana Dehydrators

    Fruit roll ups - Recipes for Arizona and Savana Dehydrators

    Fruit roll ups - a healthy, cost saving and delicious alternative to store bought 'mystery treats'

    Fruit roll ups are very easy to make with the horizontal style of BioChef Arizona or BioChef Savana Food Dehydrators . Combining yoghurt and fresh fruit (not frozen fruits) and naturally spiced or sweetened produces a high energy, nutritious snack food.

    Use ripe or slightly overripe produce that blends and tastes good together. Here are a couple of ideas to try.

    • strawberries and yoghurt
    • bananas and pineapple with a sprinkle of cinnamon
    • seasonal berries and peaches with a dash of honey
    • mango with a small amount of fresh ginger
    • apple and kiwifruit

    Wash and remove any blemishes, stems or pits and peel the produce if desired. Puree the produce with or without some yogurt in a BioChef Blender until smooth.

    Pour the mixture onto the sheets and place on the tray of your food dehydrator. When the fruit leather has dried, it will be a bit shiny and non-sticky to touch.

    Allow it to cool and peel it from the tray. Roll into a tight cylindrical shape and store in an airtight container. You then have your own fruit roll ups at a fraction of the price and with the knowledge of exactly what is in them.

    Strawberry and yoghurt roll-ups

    Simply blend the following fresh ingredients:

    • punnet of strawberries
    • bananas
    • dollops of good quality yoghurt

    Vitality 4 Life have a wide range of food dehydrators using the horizontal style which is superior for even drying of ingredients. The BioChef range has carefully developed a range which will fit

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  12. Tips for using the BioChef Savana Food Dehydrator

    Tips for using the BioChef Savana Food Dehydrator

    Dehydrating technology has taken a huge leap forward with the Savana Dehydrator which use two 300 watt fans to spread heat evenly, has a tempered glass door for easy viewing and plenty of drying space.

    Here are some tips for easy dehydrating using the Savana Dehydrator:

    • Try to slice or cut food all the same size so it will dry at approximately the same time. Make thin, flat cuts.
    • Don’t slice food too thin. 6mm to 10mm thickness is perfect. Use a ceramic knife to further reduce oxidation.
    • The larger the cut area, the faster and better the food dehydrates since moisture escapes best from a cut or broken surface.
    • Thin stalked vegetables like green beans, asparagus or rhubarb should be cut in half the long way or with an extreme diagonal cut. Fruit should be sliced across the core. Place these cut side up on the tray.
    • Small fruits like strawberries can be cut in half, while even smaller berries should either be cut in half or blanched slightly to break the skin.
    • Waxy skinned fruits like cherries, grapes, plums and blueberries must have their skins poked or pitted and will take 1-2 days to dehydrate depending on their size.
    • The peel of fruits and vegetables contain much of the nutritional value. It is better not to peel, if the dried food is to be eaten as a snack. If you are using apples in a pie or tomatoes for soup you will want to peel before dehydrating.
    • Once food has been cut or sliced fill the drying trays by arranging slices in a single layer with a little space between slices.
    • Some vegetables like beans, corn, peas and broccoli must be steam blanched before drying. Steam blanching may take from 30 – 90 seconds.
    • Fruits that turn brown when exposed to air such as apples, peaches, bananas or pears can be dipped in
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