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  1. Ditch the bottle and go back to the tap

    Ditch the bottle and go back to the tap

    If you asked me, and probably any other Australian, back in the early eighties whether I would spend $3.50 on bottled water I would have laughed in your face. Even if I was stuck in the middle of the outback.

    So what the bloody hell happened and why did we bottle it?

    water filter, aquasana, plastic bottle, beach, byron bay, bottled water

    According to Cool Australia these are the facts about bottled water:


    * It takes up to 3-7 litres of water and one litre of oil to produce one litre of bottled water.

    * A recent Sydney Morning Herald article showed most consumers can’t taste the difference between bottled and tap.

    * Bottles used to package water take over 1,000 years to bio-degrade and if incinerated, they produce toxic fumes.

    * Most water bottles end in landfill.

    * The average Australian drinks 30 litres of bottled water per year.

    * Australians buy more then 118,000 tonnes of plastic drink bottles a year.

    * It takes 8 years to recoup the cost of a bottle of water by refilling the bottle with tap water.


    Apart from these startling facts bottled water is not much better for you than ordinary tap water in most developed countries. So why have Australians purchased over 726 million litres of water costing up to two billion dollars on something we can get for free? Genius marketing maybe?

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  2. Water - can we live with it?

    Water - can we live with it?

    Well we certainly can’t live without it. We can live without food for up to five weeks but we can only live without water for up to 5 days. In today’s world we cannot be certain exactly what is in the water we drink from the tap, or even the bottled water we buy. Is it pure water? What exactly is in our tap water and is it good for us?

    clean water, filter, aquasana

    In order to kill off harmful bacteria and other microorganisms to make clean water our drinking water is treated with a large number of chemicals. Along with these chemicals your water can contain toxic metal salts, hormones and pesticides, lead and more.

    Chemicals typically found are:

    • Chlorine
    • Fluorine compounds
    • Trihalomethanes (THMs)
    • Arsenic, Radium, Aluminum, Copper, Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, and Barium
    • Hormones and Pharmaceuticals
    • Nitrates
    • Pesticides


    According to Medical College of Wisconsin research team “The addition of chlorine to our drinking water began in the late 1800s and by 1904 was the standard in wa

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  3. New Year's Resolutions - Just say NO

    New Year's Resolutions - Just say NO

    People have been failing at their New Year's Resolutions for 4000 years. What makes me think I could do any better? It's been three days and I have already failed. At least back then the Babylonians were offering their resolutions up to God in the hope of improving the crop. Now we just offer them up to ourselves, or our nearest and dearest, who have no choice but to listen and nod along. But what do we get in return?

    new years resolutions, eat healthy, juice everday

    When looking at the top new year's resolutions I mostly notice this.. we have to give up, quit, try harder, be better, look better and on it goes. I think if we were going to do these things we would have already done them. Its just too hard especially with a hangover. I don't know about you but if someone, or even myself, tells me to do something I just don't want to do it. It's the latent toddler in all of us. So by the time we get to the second week, or day in my case, of January we think 'bugger it' and go back to normal really wishing we hadn't told anyone. What we are left with is a little bit of guilt and a lot of self loathing. Perfect start to the New Year.

    I like the old saying 'one day at a time' it's perfect for this time of year and any other. Instead of saying I must lose 10 kg this year then I will feel better about myself. Maybe just one day start the day with a cleansing juice and go for a walk

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  4. Pure Water: A Foundation For Good Health

    Pure Water: A Foundation For Good Health

    Most of us know drinking pure water is essential to life – so what is in our water that is potentially harmful to our health?

    Chlorine and lead is in everybody’s water, but there are also traces of pesticides, herbicides, industrial solvents and bacteria. Almost every chemical we use in our society works its way into our water supplies.

    What people are not aware of is that municipal water treatment does not take those contaminants out. The treatment only kills certain bacteria and removes the visible particles, it does not take out synthetic organic chemicals, this needs to be done in our own homes.

    What can these chemicals do to our bodies?

    Synthetic organic chemicals increase the risk of degenerative disease and cancer. Almost all types of cancer are linked to increased exposure to synthetic organic chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides, chlorine and trihalomethanes, which are added when chlorine is put in to our water. Colon cancer, bladder cancer and breast cancer have all been directly linked to an increased consumption of synthetic chemicals.

    What to do…

    Bottled water?

    Bottled water does not necessarily mean that you are getting chemical free water and the common misconception is that bottled water is purer than tap water. There are fewer regulations governing bottled water than tap water and most studies show that bottled water contains most of the chemicals that tap water does. Furthermore, any liquid that is stored in a plastic bottle is going to contain some of the chemicals from the plastic that leach into the water, which some studies have shown contain carcinogenic properties.

    The environmental consequences of bottled water are tragic and statistics show that 60 million plastic bottle are thrown into landfills every day in America alone, where it takes thousands of years for the plastic to decompose. Filtering your water in your own home and decanting

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  5. Water Products Knowledge Base

    Water Products Knowledge Base

    Water Products FAQ

    What is the different between Aquasana and Distilled Water?

    There are many choices available to consumers nowadays and the question is how do you know which water is right for you?

    Water Filters use mediums such as carbon, ceramic and felt to mechanically filter out contaminants in the water. They may also employ ion-exchange processes or contain nano-silver to destroy biological contaminants such as bacteria and viruses. The efficiency of a water filter depends largely on the pore size of the filter media. This is measured in microns (µm). If the contaminant is larger in size than the filters micron level, it will be trapped by the filter. A filter in the range of 0.1 - 0.5 µm will remove virtually all contaminants from a regular water supply.

    Aquasana uses a complex ion-exchange process to remove a lot more contaminants than a standard carbon filter can remove.The Aquasana Water Filter produces pure drinking water for around 4c per litre and is suitable for the whole family. Aquasana's exclusive dual filter system uses a combination of carbon filtration, ion exchange and sub-micron filtration to filter out chlorine, lead, VOC's MTBE and cysts (chlorine resistant parasites) retaining the natural trace minerals, leaving water the way it was meant to be - PURE.

    Water distillers work by heating water to boiling point and collecting the steam. The steam is then condensed and collected in a separate container as pure water. Good water distillers combine steam distillation and carbon filtration. The condensed steam is virtually free of impurities, and the boiling process kills bacteria and viruses. Dr Norman Walker believed distilled water to be ideal for anyone undertaking a detox or a raw food diet. Distilled water has the inherent ability to work much like a magnet. It can pick up rejected and discarded minerals and then with the assistance

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  6. Why I Drink Distilled Water

    Why I Drink Distilled Water

    Distilled water has the inherent ability to work much like a magnet. It can pick up rejected and discarded minerals and then with the assistance of the blood and lymphatic system, transport them to the kidneys for elimination from the system. Inorganic minerals rejected by the cells and tissues or the body can, if not evacuated, cause arterial obstructions and even more serious damage. These are minerals which must be removed and which Distilled Water is able to collect.
    Dr Norman Walker

    The human body is made up of 72% water so it's very important to ensure that any water we are drinking is of the highest quality. A relatively small 5% drop in bodily fluids causes a 25-30% loss of energy.

    An estimated 66% of people don’t drink enough and are suffering some degree of dehydration, and we may only be operating at 70-75% of our capacity.

    The purity of the water we drink therefore becomes more crucial. Our world class 2800 Waterlovers Water Distiller MKll remove more than 99.9% of standard water impurities, making sure that the water you drink provides the maximum health benefits.

    By heating ordinary tap water to 100°C, killing bacteria and viruses that may be present. As the steam rises, dissolved solids, impurities and other contaminants are left behind.

    The pure steam is captured and condensed in the stainless-steel coil, where it begins to cool. The high quality distilled water then percolates through an activated coconut shell carbon filter that is kept free from bacteria by the purity of the distilled water.

    The pure, distilled water is captured in the 3 litres ultra durable Borosilicate Glass storage jug in around 3.5 hours. Compared with about $6 for bottled water, this home water distiller can make 2.8 litres of top quality water for about 25c.

    As one of the greatest solvents known, water helps prepare substances for tr

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  7. Aquasana - A great value Water Filter Range

    Aquasana - A great value Water Filter Range

    The healthiest water doesn’t come from your tap, or in a bottle. For really healthy water in your home, the answer is ‘selective filtration’. Activated Carbon treatment water filters can distinguish between pollutants and trace minerals. Aquasana are a great value water filter range which are convenient to install and use and produce clean and great tasting water in your home.

    Aquasana is a leading water filtration company with the sole focus of providing best-in-class water filtration products so everyone can enjoy great-tasting, healthy water. Based in America, the company manufactures drinking water filters, shower filters, and whole-home water filter systems that remove over 60 harmful contaminants from water including chlorine, chloramines, herbicides, pesticides, industrial solvents, lead, and mercury.

    Aquasana’s advanced twin cartridge, multi-stage filtration units combine the most effective technologies available.

    This patented process selectively filters out chemicals such as chlorine, lead, VOCs, THMs, MTBE and over 100 common tap water contaminants. Sub-micro filtration removes turbidity and effectively removes more than 99.99% of bacteria, Cryptosporidium and Gardia (chlorine resistant parasites). This leaves the natural minerals intact, providing healthy, great tasting water.

    Unlike bottled water, home water filters are required to document the purity of the water they produce.

    Certificate of the Department of Health Services, California, USA, confirming that the AQ-4000 water filter has ‘met the testing requirements pursuant to Section 116830 of the Health and Safety Code’.

    Certified performance data sheet confirming that the AQ-4000 complies with NSF Standards 42 and 53, and is certified by the California Department of Health Services Drinking Water Treatment Device Program.

    Report from Underwriters Laboratories

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  8. Bottled Water Becoming a Bottleneck for the Environment

    Bottled Water Becoming a Bottleneck for the Environment

    Crystal clear spring water from a mountain spring...or just plain old tap water making a mountain out of discarded petrol chemical containers.Bottled water no more. Why not leave home with a bottle of? your finest? and save money and landfill.

    The trend to reach for a bottle of water as a first choice seemed like a step in the right direction for our health, but the impact on the environment and claims of outrageous capitalisation of a precious resource makes us take a look closer.

    A recent article in the SMH (, says opponents to the bottled water industry believe sales are falling ?as people learn more about a product that is?, according to Clean Up Australia chief Ian Kiernan, ?a bloody disgrace?".

    Proponents claim they are pleased to see an increase in water consumption from any source but opponents cite the following reasons as some of the reasons as to why we need to look deeper into the issue:

    • The final product must comply with the Australia Food Standards Code but may come from mineral or spring water, from treated municipal water or rain.
    • 12 percent of rubbish collected on Clean Up Australia day was soft drink and water bottles. These petrol chemical containers last 450 years and as they break into smaller pieces become ingested into the food chain.

    A student led campaign assisted by action group Do Something led to the ban of the sale of bottled water across all campus food outlets and events at the University of Canberra saving 140 000 bottles last year. Water filters have been installed around the campus to give students and staff the choice to fill up their own bottles.

    While on the whole the movement to drink more water rather than soft drinks and caffeinated drinks has flowed into consciousness, the next step is to ensure you have

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  9. Healthy Water

    Healthy Water

    Healthy Water is the Number 1 Ingredient For Healthful Longevity!

    Reprinted with permission from Fitness Plus Magazine, December 2002

    The importance of “healthy water” and where to get it may very well be the most beneficial health information any of us can learn. The simple fact that our body is over 70% water, tells us how extremely important its quality is.

    Without an abundant intake of healthy, chemical free water… every other wellness effort is to a large degree in vain.

    While every health and wellness expert will agree on the importance of “healthy water”, most have different opinions on its definition and source. The fact is that it’s no longer a matter of opinion. There’s now enough credible scientific data on the subject for a logical and reasonable conclusion.

    The healthiest water doesn’t come from your tap, doesn’t come in a bottle, it doesn’t come from distillation or reverse osmosis… it comes from “selective filtration”.

    All tap water in America contains trace levels of synthetic chemicals, heavy metals, parasites and/or chlorination by-products that pose significant health risks. We can either filter out these poisons prior to consumption, or we force our body to become the filter. Many have switched to bottled water under the false assumption that its’ purity is assured to be better than tap.

    The truth is that bottled water is only required to be “as good as” tap… not better.

    And the Federal guidelines that govern bottled water quality only apply if it is transported across state lines. Most bottled water is bottled and sold within the same state in order to avoid regulation. It’s an industry built on deception. Bottled water is currently the fastest growing and most profitable segment of the entire beverage industry. “Companies that market bottled water as being safer

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  10. Water Terms Glossary

    Water Terms Glossary

    Adsorption: Adsorption is a chemical process in which an ionic filter media is use. The filter attracts water contaminants and encourages these contaminants to break their bond with the water molecules.

    Alachlor: Alachlor is an odorless, colorless solid, used as an herbicide for grasses and other broadleaf plants. Ingestion of Alachlor in drinking water can increase risk of cancer and cause liver and/or kidney damage.

    Atrizine: Atrizine is a white, solid crystalline compound. It is currently the most widely used pesticide chemical. Ingestion of Atrizine can cause cancer and damage the cardiovascular system.

    Benzene: Benzene is a colorless, aromatic liquid that is widely used in producing rubber, plastics, and other synthetic materials. Ingestion of Benzene can lead to cancer and/or chromosome aberrations.

    Chlorine: Chlorine is a yellowish, poisonous gas with a pungent odor, widely used as a disinfectant in drinking water. Ingestion of chlorine can lead to bladder, rectal, and/or breast cancer.

    Cryptosporidium: Cryptosporidium is a protozoan microbiological contaminant that is resistant to the disinfecting capabilities of chlorine. Ingestion of cryptosporidium generally leads to gastrointestinal illness.

    Cysts: Cysts are chlorine-resistant microorganisms. When ingested in drinking water, they most commonly cause gastrointestinal illness, accompanied by vomiting, diarrhea, and cramps.

    Lead: Lead is a metal contaminant that occurs in drinking water as a result of the corrosion of pipes in a plumbing system. Ingestion of lead can cause severe developmental delays in children and kidney failure and/or stroke in adults.

    Lindane: Lindane is a white, crystalline powder that is commonly used as a chemical in pesticides. Ingestion of Lindane can result in liver and/or kidney damage.

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  11. Alkaline Water & Your Stomach Acid

    Alkaline Water & Your Stomach Acid

    On the internet you can read different stories about Alkaline water, alkaline food and even alkaline recipes. Among health professionals, alkaline foods and water are gaining more popularity. Slowly it becomes accepted that an alkaline diet may have a positive impact on health and vitality. However there is some confusion and you can read different things on internet about alkaline water and your stomach acids. People who have more knowledge about our human body, including medical doctors, are wondering what happens to the alkaline water once it reaches the stomach, which is highly acidic.. To explain this topic to you, we first like to explain you a few more things about alkaline acids, your stomach acids and the water PH, by simply answering you a few questions

    What is alkaline water?

    Water has different values and which vary from being acidic to alkaline. Alkaline water, also called ionized water or ‘Kangen’ water, is water with a PH level greater than seven. Some people might think that water is neutral, while most of the drinking water is acidic. Distilled water becomes neutral water. Water which gets filtered then electrically ionized becomes alkaline water. Ionised water or Alkaline water is also known as water with more oxygen.

    What is pH level and how much is Water pH?

    In chemistry, PH is a measure of the activity of the solvated hydrogen ion. pH level in water stands for ‘ potential of hydrogen’ and the ph scale ranges from 0 (acidic) till 14 (alkaline) and 7 being neutral. Pure water has a pH very close to 7, at a 25°C temperature.

    What are the pH levels in your body?

    pH levels in your blood are important to deliver and carry oxygen around your body. The PH value in your blood is around 7.6 when it comes into your body through your lungs and when it leaves your body again on a outbreath, around 7.3 or less. As blood travels around, the red blood cells loose some oxygen molecules and

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