Freshly milled v store bought flour

Freshly milled v store bought flour

Flour produced in the home with the GrainMaster is soft and smooth with a slight oiliness which comes from the wheat germ. This type of whole flour retains the nutrients lost in commercial milling practices when the germ and bran (or kernel) are removed.

For many years the health and flavour benefits of freshly milled flour has been lost to the western world in the name of convenience. But now with the GrainMaster, you can have it all in minutes. Simply pour in whole grain wheat (or any other cereal or lentil you wish to mill) turn on the switch, and the whole grain flour is made almost instantly.


Store bought flour

Today, milled white flour may sit in warehouses and on shop shelves for months on end. Modern millers have had to remove all trace of the bran and the germ, losing at least 22 of the 26 known vitamins and minerals in the process. Also lost are all of the valuable roughage our bodies need to absorb and remove unwanted toxins and poisons within our digestive system.

Store bought flour may produce whiter, fluffier bread, cakes or pastries but it comes at a price. Health problems such as obesity, diabetes, Hypoglycaemia, heart disease, bowel cancer and tooth decay are just some of the major diseases on the upswing since the introduction of white flour in the 1900's. Many nutritionalists agree that white flour and other refined foods are largely responsible.

Millers have tried to counter the problem through 'enrichment' or adding vitamins B1, B2, Niacin and Iron. But there are at least 26 known vitamins and minerals in the whole wheat kernel. How can you enrich something with 22 fewer qualities than you started with? And why strip the natural goodness from our food, then artificially restore a part of it back? Wouldn't it be wiser to eat the wholesome natural food in the first place?

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